Custom Rubber Extrusions
![Custom Rubber Extrustions](images/Custom Rubber Extrusions-1.jpg)
![Custom Rubber Extrusions](images/Custom Rubber Extrusions-2.jpg)
Regional Rubber creates Custom Profile Rubber Extrusions to meet your unique application. We provide custom rubber extrusions built to print in both solid and sponge materials. A full range of compounds are available including EPDM, Neoprene, Nitrile, Silicone, SBR and Viton®. We offer standard commercial grade materials as well as custom compounded and color matched materials to meet ASTM D2000, ASTM D1056 and Mil-Spec requirements in sizes up to 15" wide.
-Full Range of Compounds
-Small and Large Profiles
-Large Runs
-Short Lead times Available
-40 to 90 Durometer
-Small Runs
-Custom Compounding
-Precision Tolerances
-Available with PSA
-ASTM D2000 specs
-Dense Rubber
-Cut to Length
-Mil-Spec Materials
-Closed Cell Sponge
-ASTMD1056 Specs
-Special Packaging
-Part Marking
Please use the links above to get your project
started or call 770-736-0332 to discuss your project
with a sealing specialist.
Neoprene is an all purpose polymer with many desirable characteristics. Neoprene features: high resilience with low compression set; flame resistance; compounds free of sulphur are easily made; and animal and vegetable oil resistant generally not affected by moderate chemicals, fats greases and many oils and solvents.
Ethylene Propylene is a polymer with outstanding properties. It has exceptionally good weather aging and ozone resistance; excellent water and chemical resistance; excellent resistance to gas permeability, and excellent resistance to aging due to exposure to steam; and heat, resistance excellent up to 350 degrees F. Ethylene Propylene is a polymer where oil and solvent resistance is poor, however, it is fairly good in ketones and alcohols. It is not recommended for food applications or exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons.
Nitrile (Buna-N) is a general purpose oil resistant polymer which has good solvent. oil, water and hydraulic fluid resistance, good compression set, abrasion resistance and tensile strength. Nitrile should not be used in highly polar solvents such as acetone, and MEK, ozone, chlorinated hydrocarbons and nitro hydrocarbons.
SBR is a low cost non-oil resistant material. It has good water resistance and resiliency up to 70 durometer; compression set becomes poorer with higher durometer; generally satisfactory for most moderate chemicals and wet or dry organic acids. SBR is not recommended for ozone, strong acids, oils, greases, fats and most hydrocarbons.
White Nitrile-
White Nitrile sheet is made from FDA approved ingredients per Z1 CFR 177.2600. It also meets "3A Sanitary Standards for Multiple Use Rubber and Rubber-like Materials used as product contact surfaces in dailr equipment," number 18-01, Class III ans IV. It has good resistance to oily and greasy food products and abrasion. This sheet is non-marking.
Silicone is a very versatile polymer well suited for extrusion applications. Silicone rubber can withstand a wider range of temperature extremes than nearly all other elastomers, remaining viable from -80°F to +450°F. Silicone has excellent temperature range and good compression set. Silicone can withstand many extreme environments and is inherently a fungus resistant material. It can resist water and many chemicals, including some acids, oxidizing chemicals and ammonia.
Butyl rubber is impermeable to most common gasses and has good resistance to sunlight and ozone. Butyl is normally satisfactory when exposed to animal and vegetable oils and oxidizing chemicals. Butyl is not recommended for use with petroleum solvent, coal tar and aromatic hydrocarbons
Viton® fluoroelastomer provides proven resistance to chemicals and extreme temperatures. It’s the most specified fluoroelastomer for fuel system seals and hoses, O-rings and gaskets. petroleum solvent, coal tar and aromatic hydrocarbons